The Gospel for
every corner of life
At Poiema, we craft excellent resources that bring Spanish speakers face-to-face with the riches of the Gospel. We are dedicated to equipping Christians and churches with strong theology for the glory of God and the building up of His Church.
Every human’s greatest need is to know the God whose grace
transforms every corner of life. Yet the majority of the over
550 million Spanish-speakers across the world have been
shown only a distorted version of Him.
The Spanish-speaking world has a strong Catholic heritage. In the 1970s, over 90% of the population of Spain and Latin America was Catholic, and most Spanishs-peaking adults today grew up in Catholic homes. The 16th-century Reformation heritage that produced many foundational theological works for the church at large never took hold in these majority-Catholic countries.
Over the last fifty years, Protestantism has increased, especially in Latin America: Today, 19% of Latin Americans say they are Protestants. But of these, about two out of three identify with a kind of evangelicalism that encourages followers to minimize the treasure of knowing Christ in favor of pursuing and treasuring health and wealth in this world.
Still, by God’s grace, strong, Gospel-centered theology increases in the Spanish-speaking world.
In the last fifteen years, the church has grown,
and so, too, has the need for trained leaders and
biblically-sound Spanish-language resources.
While some sound resources exist in Spanish,
they are frequently very expensive, beyond what
most can afford. Additionally, translations and
publications are often of a low quality, yielding a
result that is utilitarian, but not beautiful or

Spanish-speakers need to be drawn to the surpassing value of knowing Christ, and Spanish-speaking pastors and church members need to be equipped with biblically-sound and compelling resources for the health and maturity of their churches.
How is the Lord working through Poiema to meet this need?
For over a decade, Poiema has published books and resources that are beautiful and accessible, drawing readers in and bringing them face-to-face, often for the first time, with the richness of the Gospel. In 2023:
Poiema trains and equips the Spanish-speaking church through conferences, discounted resources, and pastoral training.
In 2023, Poiema hosted our fourth Muestra a Cristo (Show Us Christ) conference in Medellín, with over 1750 people attending to study the book of Ecclesiastes.

Any church purchasing resources from Poiema receives a discount, and Poiema regularly provides free books to attendees of Spanish-language conferences.
Through a network of relationships with
pastors and church-planters, Poiema
equips pastors with resources. In the left
photo, two hold new Reformation
Heritage Bibles from Poiema.
Partner with Poiema to Spread Gospel-Centered Resources in Spanish!
Please pray for Poiema’s ministry. All of our work is completely dependent on His blessing. Only
the Lord can give new life and cause our work to bear fruit.
Pray for our publishing work (translation, editing, and distribution).Pray that God would extend
the reach of our books. Pray for our readers!
Pray for the ministries of our website articles, videos and social media.
Pray that God would work
in hearts as many people learn and encounter the truth online.
Pray for pastors and church members to be encouraged and built up through participation in
Muestra a Cristo (Show Us Christ) and other dozens of other conferences and trainings.
Spread the word! Share about Poiema’s resources with a friend, buy a book for a Spanish-speaking
neighbor, or send a whole box of books to fill the library of a Spanish-speaking church. If you don’t
speak Spanish and could use some help navigating or purchasing a book, feel free to email Hannah
Rose at rose@poiema.co!
Give of your finances to further the work of Gospel-centered resources in Spanish. Our ministry
has gotten off the ground through the generous financial partnership of missions-minded
believers. With your gift to our registered US 501(c)(3), more Spanish-speakers will gain access to
books, articles, audiobooks, social media resources, training, and conferences that point to God’s
complete work in Christ. Because every human’s greatest need is to know the God whose grace
transforms every corner of life.
Partner with Poiema to Spread Gospel-Centered Resources in Spanish!
Give via check:
Poiema Publicaciones
P.O. Box 2681
Mesa, AZ 85214
Or give online:
Soli Deo Gloria