How virtual relationships distract us from community life
Today, we do not consider ourselves isolated people, or at least we would not describe ourselves that way. We all have hundreds of followers on Instagram or friends on Snapchat . Likes, comments, and attention create an illusion of communion. Many people know a lot about us. But most don't know us. They see the selection of moments we decided to share, which are like a dozen pieces of a thousand-piece puzzle. No one can see the full picture on social media. The posts on our accounts make us feel like they know us, but the truth is that they prevent them from truly knowing us .
Hebrews says: “Be careful, brothers, that none of you have a sinful and unbelieving heart that causes you to turn away from the living God. But while that 'today' lasts, encourage one another daily, so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin” (Heb 3:12-13). In a short time, isolated Christians end up being lifeless Christians. Because sin attacks us—living within us, dwelling in our hearts, convincing us that what is false is true—we need others to remind us regularly (“every day”) of what is true and to warn us not to trifle with it. sin nor give in to it. As Christians grow and mature, they are not supposed to become more disconnected or independent. The idea is that we will be more connected and dependent while we wait for Christ to return. We must exhort each other every day: turn away from sin, draw closer to God and save your soul. Without those voices, we are doomed. Satan is too convincing, too persuasive, too cunning. He knows us better than we know ourselves, and he will trick us to death if we let him.
"True, meaningful, life-transforming relationships don't happen or last by accident."
God can use us to encourage and challenge each other in many ways, and that includes the text messages we send and the posts we share, but the most effective way to fight this massive war is through face-to-face encounter and life. alive, because we will always be prone to project a different image of ourselves, a version of ourselves that we like, and not who we really are. The temptation is still present when we meet friends face to face, but it is much easier to hide behind a screen. Meeting others on a regular basis makes us more vulnerable to them.
The author of Hebrews wrote: “Let us be concerned for one another, so that we may stimulate each other to love and good works. Let us not stop meeting together , as some are accustomed to do, but let us encourage one another, and even more so now that we see that day approaching” (Heb 10:24-25). The natural inclination of our lives will be to move away from community life. True, meaningful, life-changing relationships don't happen or last by accident. They require effort and intentionality. We will always be tempted not to gather together, not to regularly expose ourselves—our decisions, emotions, burdens, sins—to other believers. I say this from experience. The devil does not want our brothers in Christ to know us, because true knowledge leads to the comfort, conviction, healing and holiness that he hates so much.
A secret garden of pride
Something key to walking through pain and disappointment is the people you keep close. Suffering may be Satan's favorite way to isolate you. Pain can become a secret garden of pride. We don't talk about him often, because he is so sensitive, so vulnerable—so painful. But as sensitive as the topic of pain is, not addressing it is equally dangerous. At its worst, it can lead us to doubt God's goodness, wallow in self-pity, and distance ourselves from Him and everyone else. Pain turns to pride because he believes no one else understands. “ No one feels what I feel.” So the pain moves away from anyone who wants to address their suffering. But God has given Himself, given us His Word, and given us brothers to give us faith, comfort, and strength in the midst of our pain, even the most severe and particular pain.
"Something key to walking through pain and disappointment is the people you keep close."
Our test to determine if our pain is producing pride is to ask how we respond to the encouragement that others want to give us, especially when it comes to other believers who do not understand our sadness, loneliness, disappointment, or anything else we feel. Are we willing to listen to the hope that God gives us through someone who has not experienced or cannot understand our current pain? If we are not willing, then our pain has led to isolation and Satan is succeeding in his plan for our suffering.
This article was adapted from a portion of the book Soltero por momento , published by Poiema Publicaciones .
You can download a free sample by visiting this link.
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