What is prayer and how should we pray?
Prayer is pouring out our hearts to God in praise, petition, confession of sin, and thanksgiving.
Psalm 62:8:
Always trust in Him, my people; Open your heart to Him when you are before Him. God is our refuge!
Because the enemies of your soul are inveterate, subtle and powerful, and your spiritual frameworks are fickle, it is highly necessary that you live continually remembering those considerations. What would be more advisable and necessary than to walk carefully; to watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation? You must always remember your own weakness and insufficiency and reflect it in your behavior. Because the corruption of nature is an enemy that is always near you, and always within you, as long as you live on earth; and because she is strongly disposed to yield to every temptation; you should “above all things [take care of] your heart.” Take care, take care diligently, of all your imaginations, emotions and tendencies. Consider when they arise and what they are inclined towards before executing any purpose. So great is the deception of the human heart that “he who trusts in his own heart is a fool”; ignorant of their danger and without considering their best interests. This consideration should cause every child of God to bend his knees in supplication, with the greatest frequency, humility and fervor; May he live before the throne of grace and not turn away from it into danger. The more we see the strength of our adversaries and the danger in which we are, the more we should exercise ourselves in fervent prayer. Can you, Christian, be indifferent and careless when the world, the flesh, and the devil are your implacable and tireless opponents?
“The more we see the strength of our adversaries and the danger in which we are, the more we must exercise ourselves in fervent prayer.”
The only way to walk in the Spirit is through prayer. It is the only way to walk by faith. In other words, prayer is the daily breath of the Christian life. It is a lifestyle.
Let me illustrate this with four elements of the catechism: confession, petition, praise, and thanksgiving. I invite you to face that moment by praying and using these four elements on every occasion where you feel you need help.
Suppose I have to speak in front of a group and I am nervous (you can choose any situation that is difficult for you). As the time approaches, I ask myself, "Will I be able to do this? Will I remember what I have to say? Will I look like a fool?" And at that moment I confess my need to God and say, "Lord "I am a sinner. I don't deserve Your help, but I need it. I can't do anything without You."
Then I turn my confession into a request. “Lord, please help me. I need a good memory. I need good articulation. I need the right attitude. I need humility. I need to be able to look people in the eyes. I need all these things. I want to be helpful to my listeners. But these things are not in me. Help me". That is the petition step in prayer. A cry for help.
And then I have to think of some attribute of God that leads me to praise Him and trust Him. For example, God says: “I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My victorious right hand” (Is 41:10). I cling to that promise, that power, that love and that mercy; I trust Him and praise Him. “You, Lord, can help me. I trust that you will help me. I praise you for being the kind of God who is willing and able to help me.” That is the step of trust and praise in prayer.
Then I preach, trusting in Him. And when I finish, no matter what happens, I thank Him. Because I trusted Him to help me, I believe He will use my efforts regardless of how well I think I did. "Thank my Lord!". That is the step of gratitude in prayer.
There they are—four key words from the catechism.
First, continually confess your need to the Lord. "I need you".
Second, ask, cry for help. "Help me!".
Third, hold on to God's promises with confidence and praise for His ability to fulfill them.
And then, when he helps you, go and say, “Thank you.”
That is the rhythm of the Christian life, the air for the Christian.