Terms and Conditions


By accessing or using this website, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions of use, all applicable laws and regulations, and are responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. If you do not agree with any of these conditions, you may not use or browse this website, much less make purchases. The materials on this website are protected by copyright and trademark laws.

User license

Permission is given to temporarily download and use one (1) copy of materials (information or software) from the Poiema.co website for personal, non-commercial use only. This is not a transfer of rights and with this license you CANNOT:

  1. Modify or copy the materials
  2. Use the materials for a commercial or public purpose (commercial or non-commercial)
  3. Attempt to hack or crack any software found on our site
  4. Remove copyright or other proprietary notices from the materials
  5. Transfer the materials to another person or “mirror” the materials on another server.

This license will terminate if you violate any of these restrictions and may be terminated by Poiema at any time. Upon terminating your viewing of these materials or upon the termination of this license, you must destroy any downloaded content in your possession, whether electronic or physical.


The materials found on the Poiema.co page come as they are. Poiema makes no warranty, neither direct nor implicit, and denies any warranty made by third parties. Poiema makes no warranty about the accuracy of the tools used on its website or other linked pages.


Under no circumstances will Poiema or its suppliers be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of data or revenue, or for suspension of work activities) that may arise from the use (or inability to use) of materials found on our website. Even if Poiema or a Poiema employee has been notified of the possibility of such loss.

Revisions and errata

The materials appearing on Poiema.co could include technical, typographical, and photographic errors. Poiema makes no warranty that the materials on its website are completely accurate, complete, or current. Poiema may make changes to the materials on its website at any time without notice. Poiema does not promise that all information is current or current.


Poiema has not reviewed all of the sites linked to its website and is not responsible for the contents of any such sites. A link does not imply endorsement by Poiema of the site. The use of any link is the responsibility of each user.

Location and currency

This website is hosted in the United States and, therefore, its main currency is the dollar. If you are making a purchase from Colombia, the prices of the products will appear in pesos, however, while some entities charge the products in Colombian pesos, others do so in dollars, please check with your bank regarding the type of currency. in which the transaction will be carried out.

Shipping and costs

In both Colombia and the United States the shipping cost is automatically calculated on the payment screen. In promotions of more than 35% discount, we will not have the free shipping option enabled for purchases over 60USD (or 100,000 Colombian pesos).

Modifications of the terms

Poiema may change these terms of use for its website at any time without prior notice. By using this site, you agree to be bound by the terms at the time of use.


Any claim regarding the Website shall be under the laws of the State of Arizona without regard to its conflict of law provisions.