Launch: New books from 9 Brands available in Spanish
What is 9 Marks?
9 Marks is a ministry that exists to equip church leaders with biblical vision and practical resources to show God's glory to the nations through healthy churches.
The mission of 9 Marcas
9 Marks Ministry believes that the local church is the focal point of God's plan to display His glory to the nations.
The mission of the ministry is to create churches that reflect the character of God. In addition to cultivating and encouraging churches to develop these nine brands: expository preaching, biblical theology, biblical understanding of the gospel, biblical understanding of conversion, biblical understanding of evangelism, biblical understanding of membership, biblical church discipline, advocacy of discipleship and Christian growth and biblical understanding of leadership.
The first books in this series are:
Discipline in the church
Church discipline is essential to building a healthy church. But how exactly to exercise it? This concise guide, written by Jonathan Leeman, provides us with the theological framework necessary to understand and practice the discipline.
Imagine a church where the leaders share their faith constantly and the members follow them, encouraged to evangelize in a continuous way of life. There are no programs. This kind of evangelism is what this compelling book presents.
expository preaching
In this book (written for new and experienced preachers) Pastor David Helm summarizes what it takes to believe and achieve to become an expositor of God's Word. It also offers a practical guide to good preaching.
The sound doctrine
This short and readable book shows how good theology leads to transformation, life, and joy. Not only will it convince you that sound doctrine is vital to godly living, but it will also explain the role of theology in a healthy church.
The elders of the church
In this book, Pastor Jeramie Rinne presents an easy-to-understand “job description” for elders, drawn from what the Bible teaches. It also offers practical guidance for new church elders in the midst of their ministry.
In this concise guide, Pastor Mark Dever summarizes the who, what, where, when, why, and how of discipling: helping others follow Jesus. Following the pattern of Scripture, Dever teaches us how to cultivate a culture of making disciples as a normal part of our lives.
The gospel
In this book, Pastor Ray Ortlund argues that gospel doctrine creates a gospel culture. When the gospel is allowed to exert its full power, the church shines with the glory of Christ.
church membership
In this book, Jonathan Leeman addresses the nature, function, and importance of church membership. It restores the local church to its rightful place through a convincing argument that will lead us to commit ourselves to it.