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Gloria Furman

Treasuring Christ when Your Hands are Full

Treasuring Christ when Your Hands are Full

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Being a mom is difficult, and the endless list of chores often prevents us from enjoying true joy in God, in our children, and in the gospel.

In this book Gloria Furman helps us align our vision of motherhood with what the Bible teaches us. It shows us how we can cultivate our relationship with God—even when we are discouraged and there is laundry to do!

This book will help you treasure Christ in a deeper way no matter how busy you are.

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Gloria Furman is a wife, mother of four young children, birth attendant, and blogger. In 2008 her family moved to the Middle East to plant Redeemer Church in Dubai where her husband, David, serves as pastor. She is the author of the books Flashes of Grace and Mothers with a Mission.


“With great transparency and a clear focus on the gospel, Gloria invites us to explore the wonderful and complex world of motherhood. As mothers, sometimes it is as if we live isolated in a small cell where pretension, guilt and selfishness try to suffocate us and lead us to despise our calling. Reading this book was like opening a window where the fresh air of grace came in!”
—Kristin Getty, hymn writer and co-author of Let's Sing!

“As mothers, our to-do lists never end, and many well-meaning people want to help us by giving us more lists of how to do all those things in the best way possible. Good news! Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full is not your typical “mother's manual,” but rather refreshes the soul with gospel truths. Constantly reminding us of the freedom we have in the gospel, Gloria Furman helps us fix our eyes on eternity rather than our circumstances. You will not come away with another to-do list, but you will know the One who gave Himself for you and who has given you His Word to sustain you.”
— Trillia Newbell, speaker and author of the children's book God's Very Good Idea

"Mothers don't need another book telling them what steps they should take to 'be a better mother.' Mothers need a book that will lead them to stop looking at themselves to see Christ. That's what Gloria Furman does in this book. Your honesty about your daily struggles and your hope in a powerful Savior are very encouraging. Gloria encourages us to face each day with courage in the light of our God's redeeming love. We will recommend this book to moms-to-be, new moms, and moms who have been moms for years.”
— Elyse Fitzpatrick & Jessica Thompson, co-authors of Give them Grace

“How I wish I had a voice like Gloria Furman's whispering such sweet gospel truths to me amidst the frustrations and sadness of my first days as a mother! There is nothing simplistic or saccharine here. This book offers us profound wisdom that will surely engender joy in the homes and hearts of many mothers.”
— Nancy Guthrie, speaker at The Gospel Coalition

“I was greatly blessed through this book. Gloria not only shares her experience with us, but uses Scripture to invite us to taste Christ: every mother's deepest need and deepest joy. I will definitely read it again and will do my best to recommend it to others.”
— Trisha DeYoung, mother of six and wife of Kevin DeYoung, author of What Does the Bible Really Teach About Homosexuality?

“We need this book. In the midst of this hectic and sometimes overwhelming task of parenting, it is difficult to remember the gospel. Thank goodness for Gloria Furman! She helps us worship Jesus in the midst of everyday chaos and see 'interruptions' as invitations to trust Him with joy. Both mothers and fathers will be deeply encouraged by this book.”
— Jon & Pam Bloom, president of Desiring God, and his wife


Autor: Gloria Furman

ISBN: 9781944586683

Dimensiones: 13.8 x 21 cm (half letter size)

Tipo de cubierta: Rustic

Número de páginas: 144

Peso: 205 g

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