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The Reformation Heritage Study Bible

The Reformation Heritage Study Bible

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God has spoken and His written Word is the Bible. In an era of uncertainty, this is good news. His Word is light in our darkness. You can know God and hear His voice today by reading the pages of His Book. Here is the honest truth, a truth you can count on. The Lord Jesus Christ, the living Word, still speaks in the written Word through His Spirit. His words are life, and the Holy Spirit can make them life for you.

What you have in your hands is the Bible and some tools that will help you understand the Bible. The words from the Bible appear at the top of the page in larger font. These are the words of God, inspired by Him (2Ti 3:16), given to us through the apostles and prophets when they were moved infallibly by the Spirit (2P 1:21), and faithfully translated into English and other languages. Everything they say is true. At the bottom of the page, and also in separate articles throughout the book, words from some Bible teachers appear to help you understand and obey God's Word. The resurrected Christ gives us teachers and although they are not perfect, God still uses them to explain and apply the Holy Scriptures.

In particular, this is the Reformed Heritage Study Bible for Family and Devotional Study . All the words in this title represent something special about this edition of the Bible. The words Reformed Heritage are more than the name of a publishing house: they remind us that the Lord granted us a revival in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries that resulted in a rich legacy of biblical truth for the Church. And on the other hand, in this Bible, in key places throughout the text of the Holy Scriptures, there are short articles on important teachings of the Christian faith, some taken from the writings of the Reformers and Puritans, and others from modern writers who defend the same line of thought. In addition, you will also find a summary of Church history and a collection of classic creeds and confessions, which are statements by the Church of its living faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

You can read a small sample of the book here

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Joel Beeke (Senior Editor) is President and Professor of Systematic Theology and Homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. He is also one of the pastors of the Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He has contributed more than two thousand articles to reformed books, magazines, academic contributions and encyclopedias.


"One of the most wonderful things about this study Bible is that it allows believers in Latin America to look at the Scriptures for themselves and compare their interpretations with those of some of the best scholars in history."
- Paul Washer, author of the Recovering the Gospel series

"As a pastor and as a believer living and ministering in Latin America, I am very excited about this Spanish publishing project. It is our prayer that the Lord will bless this effort and that many in Latin America will benefit from this."
- Sugel Michelén, pastor and author of In Front of God and on behalf of God

"This monumental production is surely destined to be of great help to countless readers for years to come. Its breadth is extraordinary, its teachings are firm, and it is very easy to read. I know of no other resource like it, and I sincerely recommend it."
- John Blanchard, pastor and author of Why Believe the Bible?


Autor: Joel Beeke

ISBN: 9781950417179

Dimensiones: 6.5 x 2.1 x 9.7 inches

Tipo de cubierta: imitation leather

Número de páginas: 2167

Peso: 1751 g

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