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Justin S. Holcomb & Lindsey A. Holcomb

God Made All of Me

God Made All of Me

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Take care of your child with the truth of God's Word

This simple, beautifully illustrated story helps children ages two to eight understand why their bodies are important and distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate touching. God Made Every Part of Me gently opens a conversation that every family needs to have.

You can read a small sample of the book here     

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Justin S. Holcomb, PhD, Ph.D.
philosophy, is a minister and professor of theology and thought
Christian at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and
Reformed Theological Seminary. He is the author of numerous
books, including Is It My Fault? [Is it my fault?] and Rid of
My Disgrace It also forms
part of the boards of directors of REST (Real Escape from
the Sex Trade and GRACE
(Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment
[Pious response to abuse in the Christian environment]).

Lindsey A. Holcomb, MPH, Master of Health
public, counsels victims of sexual assault and domestic violence, and is co-founder of REST (Real Escape from the Sex Trade). Lindsey has intervened in crisis situations with victims of sexual assault and domestic violence, and has led various training seminars for service providers. She is also the co-author of Is It My Fault? [Is It My Fault?] and Rid of My Disgrace.


“Our children need a biblical perspective about their bodies, and God has given us the privilege as parents to instruct them in the truth. An important aspect of that responsibility is teaching them how to protect themselves from sexual abuse. This book provides an excellent guide to starting healthy conversations that will cultivate an environment of respect inside and outside the home. We recommend it!”

— Moisés and Betsy Gómez, pastor; editor of Joven Verdadera of Revive Our Hearts; Authors of A Life Upside Down

“This work is a small treasure for the little ones. A sweet vaccine that could keep many away from the devastating effects of child abuse. A practical and biblical book, focused on God as Master and Lord of all we are, because we are His in body and soul. I heartily recommend it for use in the home and church.”

— David Barceló, pastor of the Evangelical Church of Grace, Barcelona, ​​Spain; doctor in Biblical Counseling


Autor: Justin S. Holcomb & Lindsey A. Holcomb

ISBN: 9781955182539

Dimensiones: 8.5" x 8.5"

Tipo de cubierta: Hard

Número de páginas: 32

Peso: 327 g

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