The Power of the Word to Transform a Nation
The Power of the Word to Transform a Nation
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The Word of God can transform a nation!
For hundreds of years Latin America has been considered Christian by sociologists and cartographers. Why, then, does the majority of Latin American society not reflect the transformative power of the gospel in its relationships, institutions and governments? Is it because the true, undiluted gospel has not been embraced by the majority of Latin American Christians? What can be learned from looking at America in its periods of evangelical fidelity and influence, and more recently, in the decline and degeneration of its spiritual life?
In this book Dr. Núñez provides a wide-ranging vision. The church is not only called to preach the gospel (although it is called to do so!). The church should not just focus on planting new churches (although it should!). As a people redeemed by God in a fallen world, both the church (and churches) and Christian individuals are to be the salt and light that permeate society with the transforming power of God's love in Christ .
When the pure Word of God is preached, believed, lived and shared, we see amazing effects in individuals, churches and societies! You might be thinking: Yes, I agree, but what exactly does that look like? Can you back up what you say with the Bible? Can you illustrate it with historical study? Can you give me specifics, perhaps even a detailed example of a faithful church that has successfully followed this model of gospel-centered transformation? . In this book, Dr. Núñez answers precisely those questions.
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Autor: Miguel Nunez
ISBN: 9781944586317
Tipo de cubierta: Rustic
Número de páginas: 240
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