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Bryan Chapell

Christ-Centered Preaching

Christ-Centered Preaching

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Let's recover the expository sermon

In this comprehensive guide to expository preaching, Bryan Chapell teaches the fundamentals of preparation, organization, and delivery—the hallmarks of great preaching. This new edition of this best- selling resource , now updated and revised in detail, shows how Chapell's concern for expository preaching reaches twenty-first-century readers.

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Bryan Chapell is senior pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church in Peoria, Illinois, president emeritus of Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri, and a member of the Council of The Gospel Coalition. He and his wife, Kathy, have four children.


“Finally, one of the best preaching texts ever written has reached our Spanish-speaking continent. This work is mandatory, an obligation for anyone interested in being faithful to the teaching of any passage of the Bible... If you are a preacher, you must read the text you have in your hands. And if you are not, I recommend you find someone dedicated to biblical exposition and bless their life by putting this resource in their hands.”
- Miguel Núñez, pastor; author of The Power of the Word to Transform a Nation

"Among many classic manuals on expository preaching, this has always been the most specific, analytical, practical and comprehensive of all."
- Timothy Keller, pastor; author of Encounters with Jesus

“This book is a gift from God to the church and its preachers. Profound, clear and accessible, it is of great help to both hermeneutics and homiletics.”
- Jeremy Meeks, Director, Chicago Course on Preaching, The Charles Simeon Trust

"Read and embrace this important book, for these truths will help you identify, proclaim and exalt in each passage of the Bible the "great drama" of the work of Christ's redeeming grace as the only solution to our terrible fallen condition."
- Carlos Contreras, pastor, co-author of Grace upon Grace

“If you want to faithfully expound the Scriptures, I ask you to read this book very carefully and put into practice the principles taught in it. Both you and those listening will be greatly blessed as you contemplate “the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” (2Co 4:6) in each of your presentations, resulting in a transformation “from glory to glory in the same image.” From our blessed Lord and Savior (2 Cor 3:18). I recommend this book wholeheartedly."
- Sugel Michelén, pastor; author from God and before God


Autor: Bryan Chapell

ISBN: 9781950417087

Dimensiones: 6x9cm

Tipo de cubierta: Rustic

Número de páginas: 560

Peso: 759 g

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